Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Find a Soulmate Now!

Hello Bloggers!

So, in being in winter break mode still, I've been watching a lot of t.v. recently (ps- many of my blogs are going to be television based, just a warning). Anyway, having been in a high school going  into college relationship for the past year and a half, my boyfriend and I have often gotten compared to many notorious television couples. However, I recently realized that all of these long-term high school relationships turn out to be pairs of soul mates that ultimately end up getting married at the end of their series and living happily ever after. From Lily and Marshall from How I Met Your Mother, who met their first week of college, to Zack and Kelly from Saved by the Bell and Corey and Topanga from Boy Meets World, who dated throughout high school and college, to Donna and David from the early years of Beverly Hills 90210. Everywhere we turn, we are bombarded with the idea that the person that you stay with for more than a year in your teenage years is the person that you belong with.

So my question is this: What if you don't find your soul mate....or anyone, for that matter...during your teenage years? Will our "forever alone" tweets actually be accurate if we don't make an extremely meaningful connection with someone in our teenage years?

Each of these shows follows a pattern: The couple has known each other for a while, get together, are together for a very long time (or a minimum of one year ranging to like 10 years), they break up, then whether it be 2 years or 2 weeks later, realize that they always belong with that original person and marry them. This puts a crazy amount of pressure on young relationships. These pressures cause us to freak out, making us young girls scrutinize any long (ish) term relationships this early on in life because they very well could be how we end up spending the rest of our lives.

Before we freak out any further from this crazy amount of pressure, I do have an idea: there are some people in the world who are meant to be together, even though they are introduced so early in life. Yes, it can be true. It is said that 90% of people meet their future spouse by the time they are 17 years old. But guess what: maybe that's why the divorce rate is so high! Everyone freaks out about being single, especially in high school and not having anyone significant cross our paths by the time we go off to college: yeah, we feel like pathetic loners. That also means that you still have an exciting and more mature journey ahead of you until you find that special someone. In looking at all the couples, we can't forget about the Ted Mosby's or Carrie Bradshaw's of the world who look for their soul mates long into their adult lives. In fact, most story lines are more detailed and interesting when focusing on these types of independent characters! Not having a cute story of being high school sweethearts or knowing who you were going to marry from the time you were 12 doesn't make your love story less valuable, it just makes it more open ended. You don't have to return to an old flame for that final surge of happiness, just find one that's completely new and know what your soul mate is as soon as it comes along because you've waited for it. Maybe, just maybe, your soul mate will come along when you are ready for it to, not when all of these story lines tell you it should.

So everyone, just remember this much: You have to find your soul mate on your own terms. Don't let anything else determine what it is you "need" to find and when, just have faith that when you're ready, it'll happen. Don't lose faith in yourself, what you want, or what you deserve.

Lots of Love

Ps- Please leave comments about what problems/questions you want me to address in any future blogs! It would be greatly appreciated!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Intro- Do you love "Sex in the City?"

Hello Bloggers!

I don't know about you, but I've always wanted to be Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex in the City" and since I know minimal people are going to read my blogs anyway, I'm going to use this as an opportunity to fulfill that dream!

I hope to have some great insights on fashion, all types of friendships, family connections, relationships, tips....anything really! So feel free to leave comments or contact me about what you would like to see me write about next! Feedback is also strongly encouraged! I want to know what it is you guys want to read about. I want this blog to be about me connecting with other people, whereas my other blog is about me connecting with myself. See? Makes sense...well, in my head anyway.

I will write my first "real" blog tomorrow (hopefully), but for now, I leave you with this: I know I'm not really Carrie Bradshaw, or Gossip Girl or Jenna Marbles (though I really would like to be those people) but I hope to find my own definition of what kind of writer I am. So if anyone can help me by giving me a topic they want me to write about, it would be greatly appreciated!:)

Lots of Love!