Monday, January 14, 2013

Intro- Do you love "Sex in the City?"

Hello Bloggers!

I don't know about you, but I've always wanted to be Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex in the City" and since I know minimal people are going to read my blogs anyway, I'm going to use this as an opportunity to fulfill that dream!

I hope to have some great insights on fashion, all types of friendships, family connections, relationships, tips....anything really! So feel free to leave comments or contact me about what you would like to see me write about next! Feedback is also strongly encouraged! I want to know what it is you guys want to read about. I want this blog to be about me connecting with other people, whereas my other blog is about me connecting with myself. See? Makes sense...well, in my head anyway.

I will write my first "real" blog tomorrow (hopefully), but for now, I leave you with this: I know I'm not really Carrie Bradshaw, or Gossip Girl or Jenna Marbles (though I really would like to be those people) but I hope to find my own definition of what kind of writer I am. So if anyone can help me by giving me a topic they want me to write about, it would be greatly appreciated!:)

Lots of Love!

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