Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Be Your Own Leading Lady

Hello Readers!

     I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post, but I didn't want to write about something boring just for the sake of writing something, so an idea finally hit me and I'm interested to hear your thoughts!

     My inspiration for this post came from the movie "The Holiday," starring Kate Winslet (aka the love of my life), Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. Now, if you haven't seen this movie, don't panic, I will get you up to speed. Also, you should definitely watch it. Just saying.
     Anyway, "The Holiday" is about a woman living in England named Iris (Winslet) who wants to go on a vacation as far away as possible for Christmas because her boss, Jasper (who she dated, who cheated on her, who she continues to do favors for and who she's still in love with) just announced his engagement. Amanda Woods (Diaz) is an emotionless woman working on film trailers in Los Angeles who breaks up with her cheating boyfriend and also wants a distant vacation away from all men. These women end up meeting online and agree to trade houses/lives for two weeks. They each meet a local man, fall in love, blah blah blah....
     Soooo, when Iris tells her new retired director neighbor, Arthur, about her experiences with Jasper, he tells her that she's been acting like a supporting character when he can tell that she's meant to be the leading lady. Obviously, Kate is a leading lady, but this still got me thinking (because of course, I always think of real life in "acting" terms). This really seems like such a simple concept, but many of us go about our lives never even thinking about it. As the girl who has always been known as "the loyal friend," "the wing woman," "the confidant," I began to wonder if other people felt like this, too. Are there other real-life sidekicks? And what kind of a storyline do we get?
     When we look at some amazing fictional stories, take the "Harry Potter" series for instance, many times the sidekick becomes the favorite. (Ron Weasley....he's the best, hands down). However, his story never gets the attention and detail that Harry's does. So what do we deserve as sidekicks? Why should we get anything less, just because we're more loyal friends? I say, we embrace our roles and perform them to the fullest...and then proceed to go outside the lines of typical "sidekick." Embrace the fact that people like you and can rely on you, that's what a good friend is! But when it comes to your own life, don't take a backseat: make it about you! Don't settle because you're the main character and you deserve the best too. Take charge of your own journey, make your own plot. In short, to your friends, they may see you as the sidekick, but your life and your dreams and achieving them is just as important as theirs. Grow to be the main character of your life story.

Peace and love,

Joey Richter/Ron Weasley's transformation in this song....exactly what I'm talking about. Spot on!

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